Sunday, October 29, 2006

Kitten's Foster Home Needed

The foster home we sent Hee Hee and Hae Hae's mom to turns out not quite suitable, we are currently looking for another foster home. If anyone is interested, please leave me a message.

To foster, you need to keep the cat in a small room, (ie Bathroom) and supply her with food and litter box. You need to keep her out from your resident pets, until she's vet and everything turns out okay.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Mom and Kittens

I've been struggling about what to do with Hee Hee and Hae Hae's mom for the past few week, luckily I've finally found a rescue group that can take her in. Tomorrow I'll try to trap her and send her to foster home.

The neighbour mentions that this mom cat has a big tummy, so possiblily she's having another litter soon!!!! Hopefully I could trap her successfully, and she'll deliver in the foster home, then the rescue group can spay her and find her a permanent home and we could put a stop to this. There are too many cats out there and we don't want them making babies twice a year.

The rescue group I'm working with is called North Toronto Cat Rescue, they mainly work with feral cats in the York Region. They are currently having quite a lot of kittens, so if you are thinking about adopting a cat, please contact them. There website is not quite updated, but Donna the founder told me they have MANY kittens right now.

Remember, adopting a cat is a life long responsibility, if you bring the cat home, he/she will be staying with you for the rest of his/her life, which could be 20+ years. You are his owner, his parent, his companion, his friend, his everything, think carefully before you make a decision.

North Toronto Cat Rescue
905-940-CATS (2287)

Heebee and Bubble




Thursday, October 19, 2006

Day 26





Friday, October 13, 2006

Day 20

小Hae Hae已經跟隨新爸爸媽媽回家了,現在是兩個星期的試驗期,如果爸爸能夠適應貓毛而不過敏,Hae Hae豬便可以留在新家。Hae Hae加油啊,你的新家是我應為最理想最理想的家,希望你爭爭氣氣,討得King Bubble的歡心,亦希望你的爸爸不會過敏。

對於Hae Hae離開我家這件事,現在我還說不上有甚麼感受,大概是震央還未到達大腦,不過我知道我會很掛念他的。

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Day 17



今天跟Hae Hae的未來媽媽Princess一起帶他到醫務所進行FeLv及FIV測示,現在我們正心焦地等待報告。到達診所時,Hae Hae豬一臉輕鬆,未意識到將發生不利事情,在carrier中睡著了。直至一隻正等待求診的小狗好奇地嗅嗅他的carrier, Hae Hae才驚醒,並立刻發出hiss聲,警告小狗不要接近。

進入會診室時,Hae Hae還是充滿好奇心,直至醫生的到臨。醫生拿了一枝大針筒為Hae Hae抽血,在Hae Hae的極力反抗下,醫生放棄了在腋窩位置抽血,改在後腿抽。力大無窮的小Hae Hae要姑娘用兩隻按著他的身體,醫生用力捉著他的後腳才能成事。即使無法動彈,Hae Hae仍發出極淒厲的哮叫聲抗議著。Princess心痛得不得了,而我卻為這小東西的強硬態度感到驕傲。無論發生甚麼事,這小東西也要抗行到底,絕不會顫抖著坐以待閉。

最後姑娘為Hae Hae量體重,小東西已經由1.2磅加碼至接近1.6磅了!

順帶一提,Princess決定為Hae Hae命名為Heebee,意指笑hee hee的BB,希望Heebee像他媽媽的寄望,成為一頭快幾的小貓B。

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Day 8


現在他們已懂得要求坐到我的大腿上,雲吞會站起來雙手抱著我的腿,然後用懇求的目光看著我。Hae Hae則會爬上紙皮箱的頂部,然後想辦法跳到我的腿上,跳不上便喵喵叫。當我抱他們到腿上時,有時他們會坐下來,靜待我的貓貓按摩服務,有時則會在我的大腿上行來行去,玩夠後便跳回地上。每當我為Hae Hae豬提供按摩服務時,Hae Hae豬總會報以purr聲以示滿足。最奇怪的是他們兩個都把我當成是大貓了,更好心的黏我的手,幫我洗澡;雲吞有時則把我當成媽媽,咬我的手指,找奶吃。

Wanton and Hae Hae Sleeping

More Videos

Day 7


今早晚了起床,趕上班,所以放下食物便走了。眼見他們像土匪般你推我撞的衝到碟子前吃飯,還把兩隻前掌踏入碟中,我也顧不了那麼多,真奔大門。回家時看見HaeHae身上只黏着一點點風乾了的濕糧,心想還不算太差,雖知一看雲吞,發現整個頭都黏滿了濕糧,毛都黏成一團團,梳不通了,只好幫他們洗澡。洗澡後雲吞嚇得發抖近二十分鐘,Hae Hae雖然想逃走,但好像不怎麼怕水。貓濕水的模樣是很醜的,十足ET一樣,呆又圓的大眼,蝙蝠般的耳朵,瘦削的身驅,與平日可愛的模樣有雲泥之別。不過洗澡後一身看噴噴的味道讓人更愛親近他們。


A tamed lion

On my shoulder

Sleeping in my hoodie

Friday, September 29, 2006

Life finds its way 天生天養



不知是天氣寒冷還是到了陌生的地方,兩頭小貓都在顫抖,橙色那頭勇敢地發出"Hae Hae"的哮叫聲,更努力的揮動小手,警告我們這些陌生人別接近他及他的兄弟。我把罐頭開水,注射入他們小小的口中,可憐兩頭小東西連張口也不曉得,要我強行扳開他們的小嘴。傑在一邊笑我是扳貓口的熟手技工,我得意洋洋的告訢他連貓貓Linus的大口我也能一手扳開,這兩頭小東西實在不算甚麼。看著他們的可憐模樣,心想金錢的問題總能解決,總不成把他們放回街上,任他們凍死。星期天晚上跟兩位養貓的友人說起,他們答應考慮收養小貓,我的心總算鬆了一些。

第二三四天不斷有朋友詢問兩頭小貓的消息,無論是考慮收養的potentials,或是純粹八卦一下的人,無論是來過我家看貓的,還是看網上看相簿的,所有人,所有,也說啡色的那頭Hee Hee可愛一點,都爭著要收養他。可是,我跟傑也較喜歡橙色的那頭,或許,我倆是怪人,或許,Hae Hae不斷hiss人的態度嚇怕了所有人。Hae Hae不像他兄弟Hee Hee般擁有一副楚楚可憐、任人宰割、需要別人保護的模樣。他驚懼他不安他小心眼他兇惡,他會不斷對着敵人哮叫,他會侍機而動突然躍起打你一掌或咬你一口,雖然那沒牙的小嘴咬了也是不痛不癢。兇惡的他在大部份人眼中不甚可愛,但他至少在為生命而努力,為保護他的兄弟而努力,這樣的他擄獲了我的心,我毫不諱言我是偏心的,我偏疼Hae Hae多一點,或許,從他身上我看到自身。

想起當初自己挑貓時的情景,我又何嘗不是想挑一頭既漂亮又聰明的貓?現在又怎能怪別人偏疼漂亮的那隻?畢竟愛美是人的天性。說起來真的要多謝媽媽,我雖長得不美,但她依然待我如珠如寶。尚起得當天Rescue的義工苦口婆心的再三跟我說性格才是最重要的,現在倒是我在不斷跟別人說Hae Hae的性格勇敢了。或許,自家的東西總是好的,即使在外人眼中不外如是。

昨天帶貓去看醫生,診所姑娘說只要多抱Hae Hae,讓他習慣與人類接觸,他便會慢慢變得友善。事實上,經過數天的照顧及對環境逐漸熟悉,他hiss的頻率已由每秒一次減少至偶一為之。姑娘的指引,增加了我的信心,我決心讓這隻人見人怕的小魔怪變為人見人愛的Lion King,成為麻辣得來教人欲罷不能的美點。打這段Blog的期間,我便效法rescue義工馴貓的方法,用毛巾包着小貓,抱着他,野性的Hae Hae就乖乖的沉睡在我大腿上的毛巾中。

好消息是有兩位好心人見Hae Hae出落得日漸漂亮,且野性漸除,表示有興趣收養Hae Hae。我想,他不久便能擁有一個溫暖的家,連日來的擔心實在是多餘。


When I just finished typing this entry, Hae Hae woke up in my arms, purring, with a loud, affectionate purr. It was such a magical moment, I was almost in tears.

Kitten Video

Wanton(Hee Hee) playing with toy

Wanton and Hae Hae eating dinner together, Hae Hae doens't need syringe now!!

Wanton and Hae Hae playing with each other, notice that they really like to jump now, both of them like to climb on top of the paper box and jump off to the floor.

Spicy Wanton

Retsel just mentioned to me, if we really name Hae Hae as Spicy, then the two brothers together will become Spicy Wanton, 中文名叫麻辣雲吞!hahahhahah!!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Day 5

Today is full of good news and surprises!

Breaking News: Hae Hae is a BOY!!! Not a girl!!!! Hahahhahhahahahah! All these time I've been thinking he's a girl, because his genital organs wasn't as fully developed as his brother Wanton. Silly Me!

After discussion with Wanton's new owner Karen & Zasla, we brought both cats to vet today. Everyone in the vet office loves them!! The vet said both of them are very healthy and they are approximately 6 weeks old, their birthday should be August 15th, 2006. Also the two of them received their first set of vaccine today and will have their second set in 6 weeks time. Karen has decided to test Wanton for FeLV nad FIV and result is NEGATIVE! Hurrray!!!!! Now we only have to collect stool sample and test kittens for worms, if they are okay we can let them play with Nana and Hachi. The vet also mentioned that they have a big tummy so they must be eating well XD. Wanton is 1.4lb and Hae Hae is 1.2lb now.

Another great news is that two of my firends are considering to adopt Hae Hae, I am waiting for their reply, with lots of hopes!!!!

Hae Hae is hissing much less now, becoming more and more adorable. Also he just leanred to eat on his own, so no more syringe for him, well done Hae Hae!! The nurses at the clinic all said he's very spicy, so I could suggest to his future owner to name him Spicy hohoho!!

This morning I saw some stool on the floor, I place those in the litter box and put the box at the spot where kitty went. This evening when we got home from vet office Wanton went bathroom inside the litter box and Hae Hae went just next to it, looks like very soon they'll both be litter trained.

I was very much in doubt Sunday and Monday, not knowing if taking the cats home are indeed best for them. This is the 5th day they're with me and all doubts were cleared, I'm so proud of their quick improvements. Everyday I see them learning new things, whether learning to eat, to run, or to jump, it makes me happy.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Day 4

Hee Hee had found her owner!!! Zasla and her sis Karen is wiling to adopt him, so congratulation to him!! Karen has decided to name Hee Hee Wanton, so from now on his proper name is Wanton and nickname is Hee Hee!!!

Now we're looking for someone to adopt Hae Hae.

Took some video of them eating today, they are both so adorable.

Kitty Wallpaper

Day 3

Hae Hae is still hissing, but it's a bit less than yesterday, so its an improvement. Both of them are happy and I see them playing and exploring. I've measure them today, both of them are 20cm long, excluding the tail.

It's a long day today, lots of discussions, trying to find out what's the best for the kittens. And I'm sick, very sick, flu + allegy, my eyes are itchy, runny nose all day and my head is banging every minute, with tons of questoins and discussions my head is baning even more and harder. *sigh*

Have potential people to adopt them, will probably make some decision tomorrow.

I wrapped Hae Hae in a towel and bring her out for Nana to see (of cuz don't let them get too close), suprisingly Hae Hae didn't hiss at all, but instead stared at Nana curiously, maybe she likes cats better than human, knowing human could be harmful to her. She's such a sweet kitty, trying to protect her brother Hee Hee whenever someone touches him, she'd hiss and fight any intruder. I feel sorry that everyone seem to favour Hee Hee over Her, I really think she's prettier and is more brave and intelligent.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Day 2

It's the 2nd day that I've brought the kitten home, they are making excellent progress. Both of them weren't very active yesterday, unless you count the constant hissing form the orange tabby. The brown striped one seems quite weak and had discharge from his right eye.

Since it was Sunday evening when I took them home, all the pet stores are closed and it's impossible to get them kitten milk, I've mixed our Wellness cans with water and inject it into their mouth with a syringe. Why do I have a syringe at home? That's another story. When I checked on them in the morning, both seemed quite active and a lot stronger than yesterday already!!! It's an amazement to see how little food would make such big difference. Maybe life is meant to be simple: food, warmth, sleep and fun!

I went to Global Pets to buy Kitten Milk Replacement, although $45/tin of KMR powder is Really A Lot, its result is satisfying. Kittens both love it!!! The brown striped learned to eat on his own, licking the KMR from the ziplock saucer that’s very much too big for him. The orange tabby still needed syringe, but he seemed to enjoy the KMR as much as the brown striped one did.

The two siblings started to explore the washroom today; it's so much fun watching them: they walk with so much effort!!! Every little step they make seemed like a milestone and they are so proud of themselves moving around walking. The orange one was even brave enough to jump from my laps to their box, a vertical drop of 30 cm.

One thing that's been worrying me is that both of them haven't gone to the bathroom since I brought them home, Heidi the lady from the rescue group told me I must rub some warm and wet cotton at the bottom, in order to stimulate them. If they can't eliminate they'll die of kidney failure. After the first attempt failed, I did some research online and tried various method of stimulating them, unfortunately all of them seemed useless. I have just made up my mind to bring them to vet tomorrow, and to my relief, the brown striped one went peeing just before I typed up this entry. Hopefully the orange one will go tonight as well.

Took some good pictures for them today and Retsel took a video, they are just absolutely adorable. 4 more weeks the kitten need to stay at my house, I know I'll miss them so much when they go.

We've decided to leave it for their future parents to name them, so for now both of them don't have a proper name, except a nickname that we've chose. The orange tabby is called "hae hae" due to her constant hissing habit; the brown striped is called "hee hee" just to rhyme with "hae hae". I wish "hee hee" and "hae hae" will find a permanent home soon!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Feral Kitten 小孤星

Today, Retsel and I found two feral kitten in the neighbourhood, on my way out to shopping. Since the weather is getting quite cold outside, we decided to take them home.

They are both gorgeous, we are in the process of finding them a permanent home now!!