Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Day 2

It's the 2nd day that I've brought the kitten home, they are making excellent progress. Both of them weren't very active yesterday, unless you count the constant hissing form the orange tabby. The brown striped one seems quite weak and had discharge from his right eye.

Since it was Sunday evening when I took them home, all the pet stores are closed and it's impossible to get them kitten milk, I've mixed our Wellness cans with water and inject it into their mouth with a syringe. Why do I have a syringe at home? That's another story. When I checked on them in the morning, both seemed quite active and a lot stronger than yesterday already!!! It's an amazement to see how little food would make such big difference. Maybe life is meant to be simple: food, warmth, sleep and fun!

I went to Global Pets to buy Kitten Milk Replacement, although $45/tin of KMR powder is Really A Lot, its result is satisfying. Kittens both love it!!! The brown striped learned to eat on his own, licking the KMR from the ziplock saucer that’s very much too big for him. The orange tabby still needed syringe, but he seemed to enjoy the KMR as much as the brown striped one did.

The two siblings started to explore the washroom today; it's so much fun watching them: they walk with so much effort!!! Every little step they make seemed like a milestone and they are so proud of themselves moving around walking. The orange one was even brave enough to jump from my laps to their box, a vertical drop of 30 cm.

One thing that's been worrying me is that both of them haven't gone to the bathroom since I brought them home, Heidi the lady from the rescue group told me I must rub some warm and wet cotton at the bottom, in order to stimulate them. If they can't eliminate they'll die of kidney failure. After the first attempt failed, I did some research online and tried various method of stimulating them, unfortunately all of them seemed useless. I have just made up my mind to bring them to vet tomorrow, and to my relief, the brown striped one went peeing just before I typed up this entry. Hopefully the orange one will go tonight as well.

Took some good pictures for them today and Retsel took a video, they are just absolutely adorable. 4 more weeks the kitten need to stay at my house, I know I'll miss them so much when they go.

We've decided to leave it for their future parents to name them, so for now both of them don't have a proper name, except a nickname that we've chose. The orange tabby is called "hae hae" due to her constant hissing habit; the brown striped is called "hee hee" just to rhyme with "hae hae". I wish "hee hee" and "hae hae" will find a permanent home soon!

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