Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Day 3

Hae Hae is still hissing, but it's a bit less than yesterday, so its an improvement. Both of them are happy and I see them playing and exploring. I've measure them today, both of them are 20cm long, excluding the tail.

It's a long day today, lots of discussions, trying to find out what's the best for the kittens. And I'm sick, very sick, flu + allegy, my eyes are itchy, runny nose all day and my head is banging every minute, with tons of questoins and discussions my head is baning even more and harder. *sigh*

Have potential people to adopt them, will probably make some decision tomorrow.

I wrapped Hae Hae in a towel and bring her out for Nana to see (of cuz don't let them get too close), suprisingly Hae Hae didn't hiss at all, but instead stared at Nana curiously, maybe she likes cats better than human, knowing human could be harmful to her. She's such a sweet kitty, trying to protect her brother Hee Hee whenever someone touches him, she'd hiss and fight any intruder. I feel sorry that everyone seem to favour Hee Hee over Her, I really think she's prettier and is more brave and intelligent.

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